Restorative Dental Treatment
What is Restorative Dental Treatment?
Within the scope of restorative dental treatments, problems that may occur in oral and dental health are eliminated from a functional and aesthetic point of view. Restorative dental treatment, a branch of dentistry aimed at restructuring and fixing oral and dental problems, includes many different treatment methods. Of course, these treatment methods vary according to the problem in the mouth.
Types of Restorative Dental Treatment:
Many types of restorative dental treatments are available to our clients; each one is used to fix a certain problem that occurs in the mouth while taking in account the aesthetic aspect and to give the best possible smile. Among these treatments we can find the following ones
Restorative Dental Filling:
In direct restoration treatments, it is aimed to place a direct restorative tooth filling in the tooth cavity. This treatment method usually takes a short time and can be completed in a single session. Your dentist chooses a filling according to the structure and size of the cavity in your teeth among different types of fillings and places it.
Inlay, Onlay & Crowns:
These methods, also known as indirect restorative dental treatments, consist of crown, inlay and onlay applications, which are the first applications that come to mind when it comes to restoration of teeth. Inlay and onlays are actually apparatus used during treatment. Apparatus is also referred to as customizable thread cavity filling. Inlay is an apparatus designed to be located at the most pointed end of the tooth, while onlay is a restorative dental apparatus that is produced to cover the chewing surface. Onlay can also be used to cover spikes in multiple teeth. Another apparatus used in indirect restorative tooth treatment is crown and covers the entire chewing surface of the tooth.
Inlay, onlay and crowns can be produced from many different materials; however, porcelain is the most common material preferred by patients and recommended safely by dentists.
Veneers are passed as a layer of material resembling a composite filling, mostly produced from a color that matches the natural color of the teeth. The Veneer method is applied by feeding a liquid derived from porcelain or composite material into the outer surface of the. The biggest advantage of veneer application, which is preferred to be used mostly in the upper and lower front teeth, is to give a more aesthetic appearance to cracked, broken or unaligned teeth.
Removable restoration dentures are prosthetic devices on which dentures are located and these teeth are supported by a frame. With the help of a stabilizer, it is attached to natural teeth but not plastered, so it is possible to remove and install it at will.
Implant treatment, which begins with the placement of a titanium screw in the jawbone, aims to give an artificial tooth to the tooth cavity. A crown is placed on the screw and it is aimed that the crown acts as a real tooth. The implant, which offers the most durable and permanent technique for eliminating the deficiency in the tooth while maintaining a natural tooth structure, is the application that gives the most natural appearance among the treatment methods of tooth deficiency removal according to the researches carried out.
Bonding method aims to close the small gaps between two teeth. It is a successful method of eliminating aesthetic disorders especially in the front center teeth; it offers a cosmetically healthy solution by preventing the formation of bacteria and plaques that may occur in the gap between the two teeth.