The aim of this surgical operation also known as rhinoplasty procedure is to correct the nasal disfigurement and to give the nose a new and more beautiful natural shape that is compatible with the face and fix the bone curvatures that prevent breathing, The aim of rhinoplasty surgery, which is mostly known as shrinking the nose, is to give the nose an aesthetic appearance.

Before Nose Aesthetic Surgery

Be sure to discuss your nasal shape problems and disliked areas of your nose and how much they can be fixed and what can and cannot be corrected. The availability of your postoperative expectations will be expressed by your doctor.

The way to get rid of postoperative frustration is by making good use of this period. While very large defects can be surgically corrected for you with a simple procedure, a very small detail can sometimes only be corrected with a difficult surgery.

What is the Purpose of Rhinoplasty Surgery?

There is two main reasons for a rhinoplasty, the first one is purely aesthetic and a lot of people don’t feel uncomfortable enough with their natural nose whether it’s the size or a curvature due to birth or some kind of accident they had and the second one is to make sure that the nose function correctly with no obstructions in the breathing pattern or the smelling sense

Surgery and Aftermath

Nose aesthetic surgeries are the most performed aesthetically oriented surgeries in the world. The duration of surgery is on average 2-3 hours. However, in special cases, this period may be longer.

Postoperative bruising and swelling vary according to the skin structure of the person, but it is seen at a much lesser rate than previous surgical techniques. A silicone buffer is placed in the nose that will stay in the nose for two or three days, which will not prevent you from breathing, and a small thermal spline is placed on the nose that will stay for 7-10 days.

After surgery, your nose will be swollen, these swellings will decrease by 95% in the first month, your nose will take its final shape after about six months and a year. In patients with thick skin, this period can take up to two years, so our patients with thick skin need to be more patient.

Face Lift

Face lift surgery, also known as rhytidectomy is a surgical method in which wrinkles on the face and are removed by stretching and hanging methods.

Problems with the face area over time can be frustrating. Although it differs in intensity depending on genetic and environmental factors, it may need to be taken care of when a person no longer desires to live with them.

Due to the effects of aging, wrinkles, aging spots and sagging of the skin occur on our skin. Lifestyle problems such as unhealthy diet, irregular sleep, inactivity, smoking, alcohol, stress accelerate the emergence of these problems.

Why Is Face Lift Aesthetics Performed?

Medical procedures that are excluded from plastic surgery until a certain time are much more preferred. Botox, filler, radiofrequency and laser devices are used in many centers for facial area problems that occur at an early age. However, problems that progress significantly in the face and even neck area of most people after the age of 40 or even 50 do not improve with procedures other than plastic surgery. At this stage, face lift surgery is required.

Who Is Suitable For Face Lift Aesthetics?

Wrinkles and sagging problems in the face and neck area with advancing age can be seen in both men and women. Gender doesn’t matter; this surgery can be applied to anyone.

Face lift surgery is usually preferred by people over 40 years of age. However, people who evaluate the genetic condition, structure of the skin, nutrition and other factors may not have problems until they are 50 years old. Aesthetic touches made before it is too late look much more natural. However, in some cases, such aesthetic surgeries can also be performed in younger people. Along with face lift surgery, other aesthetic surgeries such as nose, eyelid, forehead lift and eyebrow lift can be performed in combination.

Ears Aesthetics

The most common problem with ears is when they are curved towards the outside more than usual this condition is called scoop ears.

This problem, which causes psychological negative effects and loss of confidence, especially in children and women, is permanently eliminated with ear aesthetics.

Scoop ear surgery is simply the surgery performed to give the correct shape to the cartilage structure that forms the auricle and to ensure that it remains that way.

Since ear development usually completes at the age of 5-6 years, there is no need to wait until the age of 18, as in other aesthetic operations for ear aesthetics. The lower limit can be applied to 6 years of age. The success rate of the surgery is up to 90%.

How to Perform Otoplasty (Ears operation)?

Although there are different techniques such as hanging with a rope in autoplasty and entering it with a incision too small to be noticed behind the ear, the doctor who will perform the operation decides the technique that is most suitable for the patient.

Otoplasty is performed with general anesthesia in children under 10-12 years of age and local anesthesia in older people.

In the technique made, cartilage tissue is shaped by entering with a small incision made behind the ear. Permanent and durable seams are put in place to ensure that the given shape is not disturbed. The operation is completed in an average of 1 hour for both ears. Bandages are attached to the ears. Patients who have applied local anesthesia are discharged from the hospital after 1 hour and those who are under general anesthesia are discharged from the hospital on the same day after 4 hours. After the operation, only incision marks remain.

In rope scoop ear aesthetics, no incision is made. It is especially preferred by those who do not want general anesthesia and incision. However, depending on the patient’s condition, the doctor may decide on general anesthesia. Medical ropes are placed and pulled with the help of a needle from the upper cartilage tissue of the ear and given the desired shape. The holes opened by the needle are closed with small bands. Hair bands are attached to the patient’s head. The operation is completed in an average of 15 minutes.

Eyelid Aesthetics

Over the years, the upper and lower eyelids of the human face begins to sag and develop wrinkles or bags in the lower eyelids making the person look tired, unhappy and older than they actually are. this situation can also lead to vision problems by disrupting the viewpoint.

Blepharoplasty is the name given to operations performed to eliminate deformations such as sagging, loosening and bagging that occur for any reason in the upper and lower eyelids.

Among the factors that causes problems in the eyelids are genetic factors, age, smoking, alcohol addiction, impaired sleep patterns, frequent crying and long-term use of antidepressant-derived drugs.

The age of blepharoplasty may vary depending on the cause. Genetic problems can be operated after the twenties and age-related problems from the thirties. In children with congenital functional eyelid problems, surgery should be performed until the age of six.

How to Perform Eyelid Aesthetics?

The operation is usually performed with local anesthesia (only by anesthetizing the area around the eyes) and sedation (sedatives). General anesthesia may be preferred according to the patient’s condition. The operation takes an average of 1 hour. The patient can go home on the same day.

During surgery, incisions are made through the natural lines of the upper eyelids and just below the eyelashes in the lower eyelids. By entering the incisions, the herniated adipose tissue is corrected and the excess muscle and skin tissue is removed. It is based on the protection of adipose tissue as much as possible without removing it.

Raising Eyebrows

Eyebrows are one of the most important elements that determine our facial expression. Downwardly sagging eyebrows often give a tired, sad or old expression.

Eyebrows may sag down due to age, genetic factors, weight gain and loss, certain diseases (facial paralysis, tumors, etc.). In some cases, sagging of the eyebrows can reach advanced dimensions, hindering the patient’s vision.

With eyebrow lifting operation, a young and energetic expression is restored to the face.

There are different surgical techniques for eyebrow lifting. This is determined by the patient. The most commonly applied is performed by incision between the scalp. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The tissues under the eyebrows are hung upwards by entering through a few inches of incision made between the hairs. Immediately after the operation, which lasts about 1 hour, the person can return to his daily life. Stitches are removed after a week. For 4-5 days there may be swelling and slight pain around the forehead and eyes. Very rarely, loss of sensation may occur on the edges of the eyebrows, but this condition disappears within a few weeks. Since the incision is made through the scalp, the marks are invisible. The actual result of the operation begins to be seen in about three months.